Living Sky School Division:

Streaming Video

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Presentation on social media and the role it plays in teacher's professional and personal lives

Blake is an author and speaker from Ontario who creates thought-provoking programming for students, parents and educational professionals. He speaks about respect, issues around bullying and the importance of being yourself.

This panel consists of community business owners, employers and other. They answered questions regarding workplace harassment and policies around social media in the workplace.
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Offers students some strategies for responsible use from a legal, social, emotional and societal point of view. Panel Members include:
Rochelle Simoneau - Counselor
Donna Desroches - Learning Consultant - Learning Resources
Jason Caswell - Manager of ICS Department
Jim Shevchuk - Superintendent of Curriculum and Instruction
Lisa Nast - Counselor
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Dr. Alec Couros spoke with grade 5-9 students about Digital Citizenship and Digital Identity. Dr. Couros is a professor of educational technology and media at the Faculty of Education, University of Regina.